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July 15, 2008


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Interesting post, SY. I suggest the following addendum: the 50-hour rule. Simply put, your pants stay on until you have spent 50 hrs with the candidate. Phone time counts, email time does not. 50 hours sounds like a fair chunk of time, until you consider the stakes. And given those stakes, keeping the lower half of your body covered seems like, well, prudent investing. I might add that while the lower half is covered, with a little ingenuity there is a quite a bit of activity that can take place. You're also establishing a nice foundation for a little foreplay, which in my experience has served my dates quite well.

Another thought--I'm not sure I'd cotton to having my kindness tested with a deliberately spilled glass of water. I respect the intent, but the manipulation is a turn off. More alluring? A woman willing to relay a story about herself that would evoke kindness from a kind person, perhaps something self-effacing. Dating is about tiny revelations--what does deliberately spilling water reveal?


Great blog, SY!

I think the water spilling thing is kind of cute... If one were to try it with red wine or coffee, though, one might want to offer to pick up the cleaning bill...

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